Saturday, March 26, 2005

KDB's School Trip

Our daughter just returned from her Spring Break School Trip - to India! Things have changed since some of us grew up. KDB's grandmother, Louise Budelis, never stepped foot in a plane in spite of the fact that her son, KDB's dad, has flown as a commercial pilot!

The trip was a life changing experience for KDB. She has a much clearer understanding that there are people on the earth who live very differently than we do. She was very pleased to have seen the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala.

The Princeton Packet ran an article on the trip entitled "Study of faiths during PDS trip to India includes surprise encounter". Originally, I had a link here to that article but it's moved and I'm not sure it's still available online. Here is a photo of KDB at the base of the Himalayas near Dharamsala, India.

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